Welcome to St Mawgan-in-Pydar Parish Council


St Mawgan in Pydar in Cornwall


29 May 2024

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a vacancy exists in the St Mawgan Ward of the Parish Council

Your council is required to fill the vacancy as soon as possible by co-option, as provided for by Rule 8 of the Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) Rules 1986.

A Parish Council may co-opt as a member any person aged 18 years or over, who is legally qualified to hold such office, and who is willing to serve, provided he or she satisfies at least one of the following qualification categories:-

(a) is registered as a local government elector for the parish;

(b) has during the whole of the preceding twelve months occupied as owner or tenant,

any land or premises in the parish;

(c) his/her principal or only place of work during the preceding twelve months has

been in the parish;

(d) had during the whole of the preceding twelve months resided in the parish or

within 4.8 km thereof.

Any parishioner interested in joining the Parish Council is invited to contact Angela Hayne, Parish Clerk.


07500 515950

Angela Hayne BSc (Hons)

Clerk to the Parish Council                                                                                                      

Flooding Report by the Environment Agency for Mawgan Porth, based on the flood event that occurred on the 25thof March 2024 can be found here


Denzell Downs Community Benefit Fund for the Parish of St Mawgan-in-Pydar 

The 2024 round of funding from the Denzell Downs Community Benefit Fund for the Parish of St Mawgan-in-Pydar  is now closed for applications. The 2025 application period will be announced in March 2025.


Rectory Lane

Notice of Confirmation and Coming into Force of Public Path Diversion Order:



St Mawgan Play Area –  Facilities used at own risk. Please take all PPE and litter home.

St Mawgan public toilets –

Any failings in hygiene please contact the Clerk in the first instance on 07500 515950

Summer Opening – (from BST) Ladies and Gents and Accessible Toilet opening hours 8am – dusk

Winter Opening – Accessible Toilet opening hours 8am – dusk (approx 4pm).

St Mawgan Cemetery – 


Please take your litter home.

Footpath network – 

If your dog fouls in any public area you are required to clean up, and properly dispose of it.

A Dog Fouling Public Spaces Protection Order covers all of Cornwall. This is  to ensure all areas of Cornwall have the same levels of enforcement for dog fouling.  This covers all land (with the exception of Forestry Commission Land) in the open air to which the public are entitled access (by payment or not).

Failing to clean up after your dog has fouled will result in a fixed penalty being issued. This is for £100 or prosecution where, if found guilty, you would face a maximum fine of £1000.

Incidences of dog fouling on the footpath network will be reported and investigated.

Bus Timetable News

Neighbourhood Development Plan

The designation of the Parish of Mawgan-in-Pydar as a Neighbourhood Area was approved on 29th August 2019




St Mawgan-in-Pydar Parish Council is able to award two types of small grants (The Local Government Act 1972 s137) to organisations whose work benefits the Parish of St Mawgan-in-Pydar and its residents.…more

The Parish Council is divided into two wards, St Mawgan Ward and Trenance Ward.

Whilst councillors are elected to the individual wards, in practice all 12 members serve the whole parish serving a population of approximately 1,176. For responsibilities of individual councillors refer to the Working Groups page.

The whole Council is usually elected every four years and therefore, the next election will now be held in 2025.

The existence of the Parish Council ensures that the Parish’s views,
requirements and opinions are well represented to Cornwall Council and
in turn to central Government and statutory authorities. The Parish
Council is consulted on all Planning Applications concerning the parish
and forwards its recommendations accordingly. This ensures local knowledge
is taken into consideration when the final decision is made by Cornwall
Council, Planning Department

Members of the press and public are welcome to attend meetings
of the Parish Council
. Meetings of the Council take place on the second
Wednesday of each month. There is a 10 minute section for the public to
address members on any issue; although only items on the agenda may be discussed.
If you would like an item to appear on the agenda please contact the Clerk
at least one week prior to the meeting. The monthly meeting venue alternates
between Mawgan Porth Village Hall and St Mawgan Community Hall.

CPRE Cornwall Best kept village